Capital Bank Offers the Highest Interest Rate on Savings & Standard Chartered Bank the Least–Says Bank of Ghana

Capital Bank Offers the Highest Interest Rate on Savings & Standard Chartered Bank the Least–Says Bank of Ghana

If you are looking to save some of your earnings and receive a good interest on your savings, there are many banks in Ghana that claim to offer high interest rates but Bank of Ghana says, Capital bank is the best in that department.

Bank of Ghana (BoG) has released new figures showing exactly how much you earn on your deposits, depending on where you bank–and according to the figures, new entrant Capital Bank offers the highest interest of 18 percent as at the end of May, 2016.

Standard Chartered Bank’s 4.3 percent is the least customers will receive as interest on deposits.

Per the BoG’s report on the financial institutions’ Annual Percentage Rates [APR] and Average Interests [AI] publication, 17 banks offer interests above the industry average.

When it comes to minimum interest rate that you will have to pay on loans and advances, 16 banks offer rates equal to or above the industry average of 27.5 percent.

“While Bank of Baroda offers the least base rate at 16 percent, Unibank offers the highest at 40.8 percent,” reports Citi Business News.

Considering the true interest charged on loans and advances to households for mortgage purposes, (which also include charges and commissions levied by banks); the report says, GN Bank offers the least at 15.1 percent; below an industry average of 30.6 percent. Once again, Unibank offers the highest interest rate on mortgage between 40.8 to 45.8%.

In simple terms, if you are looking to save some money and receive good returns on interest, Capital bank is currently the best place to do so.

About CustomerDiscuss.Com:

Customer service in Ghana and most parts of Africa is the crappiest we’ve ever come across; as if Ghanaians or Africans use mango leaves to pay for services. The broadband never works, the electricity is never on, the water never flows—and the waitress can keep you waiting for your food until hunger kills your buds.

The real pain is, you have no alternative to turn to—because, like a gang of fools, they are all the same.

Almost every service and product delivering company in Africa has it butt in the faces of customers, farting uncontrollably because the customer cannot really do anything.  Mostly, if you quietly complain, they do nothing and if you are unlucky, they tell you to go f**k off.

Consumers have no voice, not even individual voices—let alone a collective one to force any sort of change.

So we’ve started this website-CustomerDiscuss.Com, supported by GhanaCelebrities.Com and other platforms, dedicated to corporate and public Africa, especially Ghana—-it’s time we shame some of these companies, tear down their lousy services, help them to lose customers and force them to do what’s right.

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When you go to a restaurant and you are served in a broken plate or on a dirty table, just take some photos and send them to us with the needed details.

Together, we can get these people to be accountable and importantly, do what’s expected of them.

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