No Passports for Any Ghanaian Because Passport Printing Machine is Broken Since Last Year | Ghana Embassy in USA is Offering ‘Nauseating Service’

No Passports for Any Ghanaian Because Passport Printing Machine is Broken Since Last Year | Ghana Embassy in USA is Offering ‘Nauseating Service’

This is somewhat a global problem—we mean it’s a problem at all the Ghana Embassies across the world.

Since receiving the below E-mail from a Ghanaian based in USA who says since last year December, the Ghana Embassy in USA has not been able to issue him with a common national passport because they claim the machine used for the printing has broken, several Ghanaians from different parts of the world have also said they are facing the same problem.

Apparently, the passports have to be printed or be issued from Ghana, and the machine used for this has broken down for God knows how long—at least that’s what we hear as the reason why Ghanaians abroad are going through hell to just acquire a national passport.

It’s only a broken country that cannot fix a common broken machine use for issuing national passports—as it’s being claimed.

According to Maxwell A. who sent in the below E-Mail detailing the frustrating and nauseating service being offered by the Ghana Embassy in USA, E-mails are not being responded to as he has sent the Embassy over 50 messages—after he paid for a renewal and the passport was not forthcoming but he only receives auto response.

If a whole country can treat its citizens like this, then this explains why the various companies take the ‘hell piss’ out of their customers—it’s a national issue.

Read Maxwell A’s Complaint Below (unedited)—It’s a shame, especially the excuse he received…

I didn’t want to go on a public rant but the services being rendered by the Ghana Embassy in US is nauseating enough for me to talk about and hope you echo it on your platform.

Since December last year, the embassy claims their passport printing machine has broken down and thus has not been able to renew passports for those who want to travel even if its an emergency.

They claim they issue travel certificates (which in itself isn’t true) but even the travel certificate cannot allow one to travel through some major airports in the world so it makes no point.

It is very frustrating for a whole country like Ghana with a large population in the US to watch its machine break down for almost 6 months and think it is enough to give excuses and issue press statements on their machine breakdown.

I applied for a renewal of passport in February without knowing anything about their machine breakdown (everything needed to complete my renewal application was on the website and still is even now when they claim they can’t renew passports).

I downloaded the forms from the website and took 4 passport pictures, added a money order of $100 and return envelopes with priority stamps on them to my application as directed by the website.

The website indicated renewals would be ready and sent to the applicant after 15 days of application. However, after waiting for months without hearing from them I called several times but they would never answer (they put you on hold for about 4 hours till you drop the call and go about your daily activities). So I sent them an email and it was then that i was sent an automated response that the embassy is not renewing passports till further notice due to an issue with their machine.

Since then, I have made frantic efforts to reach them by phone and sent them about 50 emails but none of this has been possible. Their emails always come back with the same automatic response I had the first time and for the calls they say they are busy answering other calls even if I call them exactly 8:30 am local time in Washington DC when their office is open.

I really need to travel and I wouldn’t bother if I did not need to. But this service by the embassy is so so frustrating that I regret I still have to need the Ghana passport to travel. Now I was so frustrated and considered the option of sending my passport to Ghana for renewal instead of here so I sent them an email to return my application, money order and passport to me but even that too no one thinks I merit any response.

I requested for a travel certificate also just in case it could allow me to travel and for about a month there has been no response to that too.

I can state for a fact that just this year I know someone who was able to secure a renewal on her passport in the US because she knew someone at the embassy, so I don’t really think they can’t print the passport. I believe it is the usual “who you know” Ghanaian thing that has reared its ugly head at the embassy.

I am so disgusted at the turn of events at the embassy and I only wish there was any other way for me to travel without going through this. I feel real resentment towards the embassy and the current government just for this mismanagement.

Issuing passports to your citizens should not be this difficult in this era where other countries order their passport copies online.

Kindly respond and ask any questions you may have.

Thank you,



Response from Ghana Embassy, USA to ‘CustomerDiscuss.Com’ team

We are waiting to see if they will have anything reasonable to say to this…

About CustomerDiscuss.Com:

Customer service in Ghana and most parts of Africa is the crappiest we’ve ever come across; as if Ghanaians or Africans use mango leaves to pay for services. The broadband never works, the electricity is never on, the water never flows—and the waitress can keep you waiting for your food until hunger kills your buds.

The real pain is, you have no alternative to turn to—because, like a gang of fools, they are all the same.

Almost every service and product delivering company in Africa has it butt in the faces of customers, farting uncontrollably because the customer cannot really do anything.  Mostly, if you quietly complain, they do nothing and if you are unlucky, they tell you to go f**k off.

Consumers have no voice, not even individual voices—let alone a collective one to force any sort of change.

So we’ve started this website-CustomerDiscuss.Com, supported by GhanaCelebrities.Com and other platforms, dedicated to corporate and public Africa, especially Ghana—-it’s time we shame some of these companies, tear down their lousy services, help them to lose customers and force them to do what’s right.

We are not here to destroy people’s businesses, rather we cant to force things to be changed—so those businesses which offer great customer service will be duly acknowledged and commended.

If you have a complaint about your telecom company, internet provider, a restaurant, your bank or even your church, shoot an email to us via; [email protected] or call/whatsapp 00447961817712.

When you go to a restaurant and you are served in a broken plate or on a dirty table, just take some photos and send them to us with the needed details.

Together, we can get these people to be accountable and importantly, do what’s expected of them.

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