Fashion Zone GH Sells Rolex Watches for Less than 55 Dollars & After Pointing It Out That The Watches Are Fake…I Got Heavily Insulted By Their Staff

Fashion Zone GH Sells Rolex Watches for Less than 55 Dollars & After Pointing It Out That The Watches Are Fake…I Got Heavily Insulted By Their Staff

It will be stupid for anyone to buy into the claims of a retailer selling a rolex watch for 210 GHS as genuine—but in Ghana, where we have a lot of gullible people, don’t be shocked if people purchase such fake products innocently thinking they are real.

Selling of fakies is everywhere in Ghana. There are several businesses which have even hired expensive retail spaces in the various posh malls in the country, where they continue to sell fake stuffs like Louis Vuitton without anyone saying a thing.

According to the below complainer-Lynn, she came across a Facebook Page belonging to Fashion Zone GH—and the retailer was proudly advertising fake watches, including several rolex watches.

This is illegal; selling fakies is an infringement on the rights of the originals and beyond that, selling fakies to people who somewhat believe them to be real or without informing that the products are fake amounts to fraud.

Lynn pointed out the obvious—saying the rolex watches are fake, adding that rolex does not even make those kind of watches.

Following her comment, she was heavily abused y Fashion Zone GH staff and blocked—something Lynn says “captures how little this retailer cares about customer service.”

Read Lynn’s Experience and Complaint below…

Hello Chris,

I want to know what can be posted on customer discuss.

A friend of mine liked Fashion Zone GH products that is being advertised on their. I saw the price of a Rolex for GHC 210. So then I made a comment that these are not genuine products cos a Rolex does not retail for abt $55.

My comment was replied with insults. I told them that as a potential customer I have the right to make an opinion about a product that I may have interest in.

These are the screen shots of what transpired. They went as far as blocking. I know times are tough in Ghana, but don’t advertise false products to gullible and innocent consumers who are seeking to spend their hard earned money on products they believe are of good quality.

I will send the screen shots.



Lyn1 Lyn2 Lyn3


Response from Fashion Zone GH to ‘CustomerDiscuss.Com’ team

We are waiting to see if they will have anything reasonable to say to this…

About CustomerDiscuss.Com:

Customer service in Ghana and most parts of Africa is the crappiest we’ve ever come across; as if Ghanaians or Africans use mango leaves to pay for services. The broadband never works, the electricity is never on, the water never flows—and the waitress can keep you waiting for your food until hunger kills your buds.

The real pain is, you have no alternative to turn to—because, like a gang of fools, they are all the same.

Almost every service and product delivering company in Africa has it butt in the faces of customers, farting uncontrollably because the customer cannot really do anything.  Mostly, if you quietly complain, they do nothing and if you are unlucky, they tell you to go f**k off.

Consumers have no voice, not even individual voices—let alone a collective one to force any sort of change.

So we’ve started this website-CustomerDiscuss.Com, supported by GhanaCelebrities.Com and other platforms, dedicated to corporate and public Africa, especially Ghana—-it’s time we shame some of these companies, tear down their lousy services, help them to lose customers and force them to do what’s right.

If you have a complaint about your telecom company, internet provider, a restaurant, your bank or even your church, shoot an email to us via; [email protected] or call/whatsapp 00447961817712.

When you go to a restaurant and you are served in a broken plate or on a dirty table, just take some photos and send them to us with the needed details.

Together, we can get these people to be accountable and importantly, do what’s expected of them.


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