ECG Fixed A Faulty Wrong Meter for Me Which Still Runs A Bill of At Least 100 GHS When Everything is Switched Off | And ECG Does Not Want to Fix This for Me

ECG Fixed A Faulty Wrong Meter for Me Which Still Runs A Bill of At Least 100 GHS When Everything is Switched Off | And ECG Does Not Want to Fix This for Me

For a company with a mission to provide quality, reliable and safe electricity services to support the socio-economic growth and development of Ghana, Electricity Company of Ghana leaves much to be desired in this area.

CustomerDiscuss.Com has received a lot of complaints from readers concerning the acquisition of meters from Electricity Company of Ghana.
Below is a mail we received from Elorm an ECG customer.

Apparently, the kind of meter he requested for after they have done a survey of his house and payment was made is not what was fixed, because they claim to have run out of that type.

All efforts to get this new meter which is also faulty changed have proved futile and its draining him finacially because of the amount of money he spends on prepaid.

Its just sad when people who are willing to do the right thing go through this kind of frustrations.


Dear CD,

It was in October 2014 that I wanted an electricity connection to my house in Tema community 18.

My Welder friend latter introduced me to a guy by the name Kurankye who works with Electricity company of Ghana Nungua district office because my location falls under the Nungua District .

The gentleman (Kurankye) one day came and made a survey of the place for the electricity connection. Since the house is a two storey building 4 bedrooms, two kitchens, two halls and 4 washrooms, I needed a 3 phase meter of which they agreed to bring.

They demanded for 1000 Cedis and latter reduced it to 900 Cedis. Latter I came back from work to see a single phase meter fixed on the wall. I questioned then but the said they’ve run out of the 3 phase so I should be temporarily using the single phase.

The meter became so faulty after some time, they don’t pick my calls, they forge me when ever I go to the office. The meter is so faulty that, even when all appliances on the house have been turned off, the meter is still reading.

Just to be sure I brought in an ECG guy from the same office to check for current leakage in my wiring, he said the current isn’t leaking after the check. Now am seriously suffering with this meter and nothing is being done about it. Been to the office severally.

They come to the house and say there’s nothing wrong with the meter even without checking.

Now am tired and this affecting finances.

Despite I out off my appliances, this meter consumes at least 100 Cedis a month the worst of all is that, when the prepaid is finishes, the meter goes off and reads into negative Cedis so when I buy to top up am deducted what I owe without being given any service.

Chris please help me air my voice. Am so tired and a just a caretaker of the place.


Response from Electricity Company of Ghana to ‘CustomerDiscuss.Com’ team

We are waiting to see if they will have anything reasonable to say to this…

About CustomerDiscuss.Com:

Customer service in Ghana and most parts of Africa is the crappiest we’ve ever come across; as if Ghanaians or Africans use mango leaves to pay for services. The broadband never works, the electricity is never on, the water never flows—and the waitress can keep you waiting for your food until hunger kills your buds.

The real pain is, you have no alternative to turn to—because, like a gang of fools, they are all the same.

Almost every service and product delivering company in Africa has it butt in the faces of customers, farting uncontrollably because the customer cannot really do anything.  Mostly, if you quietly complain, they do nothing and if you are unlucky, they tell you to go f**k off.

Consumers have no voice, not even individual voices—let alone a collective one to force any sort of change.

So we’ve started this website-CustomerDiscuss.Com, supported by GhanaCelebrities.Com and other platforms, dedicated to corporate and public Africa, especially Ghana—-it’s time we shame some of these companies, tear down their lousy services, help them to lose customers and force them to do what’s right.

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Together, we can get these people to be accountable and importantly, do what’s expected of them.

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ECG Fixed A Faulty Wrong Meter

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